Spring has sprung in Australia, and you know what that means—the magpies, affectionately known as "Pies," are out in full force. These swoopy boys and girls have a reputation for being a bit... territorial. But don't worry, we've got some tried and true methods to help you avoid injury and maybe even make friends with our feathered frenemies.
Surviving a Swooping
If you're finding yourself the target of a magpie's attention this spring, here are some techniques to keep those beaks at bay:
Stop, Drop, and Roll
Yes, it sounds like you're on fire, but trust us, it’ll look absolutely hilarious to onlookers. Plus, it might just make the magpie think you’re a bit special.
Zig Zag Running
Channel your inner zig-zag master. This confusing AF manoeuvre will make it seem like you're having a fit, potentially baffling the Pie into leaving you alone.
Sing an Aussie Pub Song
Magpies love a good tune. Belt out a classic by Jimmy Barnes, Cold Chisel, The Angels, or Australian Crawl. Who knows, you might make a duet partner for life.
Don’t Fight Back
Attempting to fight back is a rookie mistake. You’re in their territory, mate. They will not hesitate to show you who’s boss.
Fetal Position
If all else fails, curl up and play dead. Not literally, but get into the fetal position. They might think you’re a snowflake and not worth the effort. Pro tip—sobbing loudly can expedite the process.
Becoming Pie-Friendly
Why not turn the tables and win over the magpies? With a little effort, you can be on their good side.
Don't Be a Jerk
Leave the Pies alone. No chasing, yelling, or throwing things at them. Trust us, they have memories like elephants.
Talk to Them
Acknowledging your local Pie with a simple "Hi Pie" can go a long way. It's all about building rapport.
Sneaky Snacks
While feeding wildlife is generally discouraged, offering natural treats can build trust. If you happen to have worms or bugs handy, offer them up (because who doesn't have a pocket full of worms?). Flip over a rock or strip some bark to help them DIY their next meal.
Important: Do NOT feed them man-made products like bread, mince, cheese, alcohol, chocolate, or coffee. Keep it au naturel, folks.
May the odds be forever in your favour this spring as you coexist with the magpies. Remember, a little kindness and creativity can turn potential aerial assaults into harmonious encounters. Stay safe, stay smart, and most importantly, stay Pie-friendly!
Tips for Running a Business from Home with Kids Around
This depends on a million things, which we can't cover but we will do our best to give you a general idea. We have also written this assuming it's just you. Either you don't have a partner or they work during the day or are entirely useless at anything involving domestic chores and child-rearing. If you have access to childcare, vacation care, or a family member or neighbour to help, 100% do that first. Because the harsh reality is you will burn yourself out trying to do it all!
Being a business owner while caring for kids at home is fucking hard. Your minions demand attention and time when you have important tasks that require your immediate attention. You go from design queen to snack bitch. Many parents who work from home often feel overwhelmed and frustrated because they struggle to balance work commitments, chores, and childcare responsibilities. I mean who doesn't? The good news is, it's entirely possible to run your business from home. Just not like it looks in the movies. Here are some tried and tested tips to help you run your business successfully with kids around.
Set realistic expectations
If there was only one rule, this is it! It's not possible to devote your entire time to work even during office hours. As a parent, you must juggle multiple roles- a caregiver, teacher, and entrepreneur. It would be best to acknowledge that your productivity levels might take a hit when you are with your kids. Set realistic goals and timelines. When your kids are most chilled, get blocks of work done. For babies and young kids that's normally nap time. From primary school kids, its whenever they are most tired and relaxed. Early morning and late arvo for example.
Prioritize your schedules
Running your business while caring for your kids requires careful planning and organization. Scheduling your work and other commitments can help you stay focused and productive. Create a routine that suits your and your family's needs and prioritize your tasks and goals accordingly. Use a planner, calendar, or an online tool to help you keep track of your work and life activities. Be flexible though.
Shit happens
Despite your best efforts and planning, things can go wrong. Kids often fall sick or have emergencies that require your attention. It's essential to have a contingency plan in place to deal with such situations...says the single man that's never looked after a kid in his life. Our plan is there is no plan. Shit happens. Just roll with it. Sometimes I have to walk away from he computer to take one of the minions to the hospital for a playground stunt that failed.
Take breaks and practice self-care
Running your business from home with kids around is physically and mentally exhausting. Apart from attending to your work and family, it's crucial to practice self-care. Take short breaks and engage in activities that you enjoy, such as reading, exercising, or spending time with friends. Set boundaries and don't overwork, as it can lead to burnout. Practice self-compassion and be kind to yourself.
Take time out for you! Just you! Take a long bath, read a book, go to the gym, eat chocolate and watch Netflix. Whatever works.
When we have our shit together
This means there is food in the fridge, pre-made snacks, everyone has taken their medication and no one is in hospital, injured or starting their own death camp. To give you some context, we live on a large property and my minions are 15 months apart in age and both have ADHD.
Our Daily routine looks like this:
Wake up, walk the dogs and feed the animals and chores
Kids watch TV, puppy is still napping and I read my book
Work starts for me and the parrot. Kids have a choice of devices, outside time or TV and puppy tags along.
We all have morning tea together
Back to work. Kids have a choice of devices, outside time or TV and puppy tags along and parrot has ditched me for the kids.
12 noon
Lunchtime! Lunch and a movie or TV show with the kids, puppy and parrot.
Back to work. Kids have a choice of devices, outside time or TV. Parrot and puppy hang with them.
Work is done. Kids off devices and outside. Feeding animals and messing around outside.
Dinner, TV show and chill.
Back to work if needed, if not Netflix and a cuppa.
When we don't have our shit together
Probably haven't done a grocery shop, minions had a shitty sleep and woke at 4. Its rough starting your day like this so you can forget a lot of shit. Mainly medication...
Our Daily routine looks like this:
Wake up to the sounds of screaming and both boys performing in their version of redneck WWE.
Make one child feed the animals with me while the other eats breakfast...so one complains and the other just watches TV until I get back.
One kid has eaten the entire contents of the fridge, the other refuses to eat. The parrot is out of his cage and snacking on the HDMI cable.
First coffee for the day. WWE continues. Find mystery puppy poop in the kids room.
Get to work, kick kids outside along with puppy.
Stop work because of the blood-curdling screams in the backyard. One of the kids has made a dirt hole and is trying to bury the other one. Split up the fight and give them snacks. Find puppy chasing the chooks. Bring her inside.
12 noon
Realise I have forgotten medication and it's too late now. Listen to all the bitching about how they want McDonalds for lunch and the 2 min noodles they have is just not going to cut it. One kid is still refusing to eat, the other one eats both lunches with assistance from the parrot and puppy.
Back to work. Find a stash of chip packets in kids' room who is always refusing to eat... Kids are sent outside again. With the puppy.
Panic because it's quiet. Go find the kids. They are up to dodgy shit behind the shed. Make them come with me to feed everything. One of them is chased by the turkey. Always entertaining. Puppy was in a box which apparently is a 'home base'
Dinner and bed...seriously they eat dinner and go to bed. I am DONE
Eat chocolate, watch TV and contemplate my life. Puppy curls up on my boobs. Best sleeping spot.
Keeping it real
With these tips, managing your business and childcare responsibilities can work, but it's okay if it goes to shit. Remember, it's okay to ask for help or take a break from work when you need it. Your family will benefit in the long run when you maintain a healthy work-family balance. Being a parent and an entrepreneur is a juggling act, but with a little bit of planning, self-discipline, you can give it a red hot go!
Simple Logos Are Better Than Complex Logos
When it comes to creating an effective logo for your business, it may seem like going all out on a complex design is the way to go. But in reality, simple logos are often more memorable and effective in representing your brand. As a business owner or marketer in Australia, you want your logo to stand out and be easily recognizable to potential customers. So, let's dive in and find out why simple logos are better than complex logos.
Easy to remember Logo
One of the biggest advantages of simple logos is that they are easier to remember. Customers are bombarded with countless logos every day. Having a logo that is easy to recall will make it more likely that they will remember your brand. A simple logo is typically easier to remember because it's not cluttered. Unnecessary details or overly complex designs are confusing. Think of some of the most iconic logos out there. The Nike swoosh or the golden arches of McDonald's. These logos are simple but instantly recognizable.
Versatile Logo
Another benefit of a simple logo is its versatility. A simple logo can be easily resized to fit different marketing materials, such as business cards, websites, and billboards, without losing its impact. On the other hand, a complex logo may not look great when scaled down or may be too overwhelming when displayed on a larger scale. A simple logo will also be easier to reproduce across different mediums, such as embroidery or screen-printing.
Memorable Logo
Simple logos are not only easy to remember, but they are also more memorable. A customer is more likely to remember a logo that is clear, crisp and easy to understand. A simple logo ensures that the customer is drawn to the message you are trying to convey. It should represent the soul of your brand in the most elegant manner possible. Simplicity also means that the logo can easily be linked to your brand's image and philosophy, making it more efficient in promoting brand recognition.
Timeless Logo
Trends come and go, but a simple logo can stand the test of time. A logo designed with heavy amounts of glitter or animation may look up-to-date initially, but will quickly seem outdated. A simple logo with clean lines and a minimal aesthetic will stay beautiful and relevant over time. You do not want to redo your logo every few years while building up your brand. A timeless logo marks the long-lasting respect the brand has for its patrons.
Lastly, simple logos are more cost-effective. The more complicated a logo's design, the more time and effort it takes for a designer to create. A complex logo can involve various shades, images, or detailed icons, which can take a considerable amount of time to produce. Simple logos can be created in no time, and can often be designed relatively inexpensively. With a simple, clear, and quality logo, you'll save money in the long run without compromising on quality.
In a world where people are constantly bombarded with advertisements, it is easy to get lost in the sea of competition. But with a simple logo, you can effectively represent your brand in a way that is memorable and versatile. The Nike swoosh, McDonald's golden arches, and the Apple logo all stand testament to how a simple logo can stand the test of time. As a medium business owner or marketer in Australia, you can't go wrong with a simple logo for your brand. It is time to embrace the mantra of "less is more" and create a memorable logo for your customers.
No One Cares About Your Brand (But You)
Why Your Business Needs to Step Up
Does this sound familiar: You launch a new product, service, or business and you can't wait to share it with everyone. You publish it, you post it, you tweet it, and you expect the world to stop and take notice. But no one seems to care. No likes, no shares, no sales. So what's going wrong? The answer is simple: no one cares about your brand. At least, not until you give them a reason to...
The Harsh Reality: Nobody Cares About Your Brand
The harsh truth is, your brand is just a tiny drop in the ocean of all the other brands. All fighting for your customers' attention. Your customers have their interests and priorities. If they don’t find any value in your offering, they just move on to the next shiny object. Even Apple Inc started from somewhere. Building their brand awareness carefully and deliberately on various channels.
They Care About Themselves
Customers don't care about your brand as much as they care about themselves. You may have great products or services, all of its features might be devised to perfection, but what problem does it help the customer solve or what does it possibly add to their life? This is the real issue you need to address. Think about how your business offering aligns with customer needs, devise and design to build a value proposition, and communicate this value to your target audience.
It Takes a Village
It's not enough to just create your brand and expect people to flood in without dedicated eyes that consistently enforce that brand awareness to the audience. It's always necessary to create brand awareness on multiple channels. Creating a personality or tone of voice for your brand can help. Engage with your audience continually, have a strong social media presence, and grow a community around your brand that understands and has affinity for what your business stands for.
The Importance of a Strong Brand Image
The way your brand is presented is crucial and can make all the difference in making a long-lasting impression on customers. With a carefully designed and developed branding strategy, a brand image can inspire confidence and loyalty in customers to your business. Invest time and effort into building a strong brand identity that's easy to recognise, memorable, and distinct from your competitors.
Find Purpose For Your Brand
Let's face it. People are attracted to brands that share the same core values as they do, are positively perceived for certain causes, have online presence, or genuinely make them feel like they have made a good choice with their purchase. Therefore, having a brand purpose that aligns with your target audience is an important step in building a positive brand image. Find a way to contribute positively to society in a way that benefits your target audience, and they will remember and support you for it.
No one cares about your brand, but that doesn't mean they never will. The key is to take active steps to create a distinctive image for your brand that is relevant and adds value in the mind of your target audience. By creating a brand personality, engaging with customers, and being purposeful, you can build trust and loyalty from customers who will become advocates for your brand. Don’t just focus on building customers, usually, it’s about starting with a strong branding strategy. Remember to be patient as results don’t show overnight. In doing so, your business will soon stand out while the competitors fade into the background.
Australia Day
Yesterday was Australia Day. Normally celebrated with pride by the majority of the nation. You would see the Aussie flag flying free in suburban streets.
But times have changed.
Many of our indigenous brothers and sisters call it a day of mourning. Not a day of celebration. Very few Australia Day posts yesterday on social media. More about the protests and 'paying rent'. (Look it up if you're not sure what I'm on about).
Gen X
As a child I was taught it was to celebrate all that is great about our country. The freedom, beaches, country, food, and diverse wildlife. Then as I got older it was all about Triple J's hottest 100, drinking and backyard cricket. You would spend the day with your mates drinking and eating adorned in the Aussie flag. Carefree and fun no matter what your race or origin. Aboriginal, Islander, immigrant, it didn't matter. Around this time I was living in Townsville in North Queensland, where Aussie pride is strong.
Living in Brissy now and in my early 40s with no idea what to do. Don't want to upset my indigenous friends. Respecting and acknowledging our past. I also want to celebrate the amazing country we live in. We are a multicultural nation. That in itself is amazing.
Our day
Australia day for my family was spent quietly at home. Swimming in the pool and a BBQ with our neighbours. It was getting all together. Having a quiet drink and a laugh. Socialising, is something we don't often get time to do.
Change the date
There is a call to change the date of Australia Day, which in most polls, Aussies are happy to do so, me included. The trick will be to find the right one that is inclusive for all. Not just white Australia or indigenous. A date that celebrates our multiculturalism where hopefully we can all hang out and celebrate in full swing with no prejudice.