Misfit Branding Logo

Brand Design

Unleashing Your 
Unique Identity

Lets make your customers love you and your competitors jealous 


Brand Design

Brand design is akin to suiting up your company with the jaw-dropping outfit that speaks volumes about its charisma and values. 🚀 Nailing that look is crucial – because come on, who wouldn't want to stand out from the crowd?

When it comes to creating your company's unique visual identity, the game is to strike a balance between pizzazz and telling your company's story through every color, font, and illustration used. Indeed, brand design is more than just eye candy; it's the symbiotic fusion of the company's objectives, values, and products.
But worry not, dear business owners and marketing professionals! 

Whether you're a design noob or a creative jedi, tackling the challenge of brand design from scratch can be conquered with the right mixture of knowledge, skill, ingenuity, and the patience of a monk (though maybe not that last one). 💪

So, What Is Brand Design, Exactly?

Imagine your company's spirit animal – brand design is its colourful persona brought to life. It's the ultimate visual representation of your company's identity, including your company's goals, fundamental values, and, of course, its products.

Be it the snazzy fonts you choose or the ingeniously crafted colour schemes in your advertisements, each element must gel together to accentuate the company's mission and connect with your target audience. In short, your brand design should be the very embodiment of your company's positionality, personality, and flair. 🌟
Bottom line? Up your brand design game, make the competitors go green with envy, and leave a lasting impact on your audience. 💥

Brand Colours

Now that you've got your logo sorted, let's talk about brand colours. These are the hues that evoke the emotions and values your brand stands for. Keep in mind, colours can spark strong, subconscious associations and can greatly impact how people perceive your business.

Quick tips:
Consider your target market
Study color psychology
Identify the emotions you want your audience to feel
Stay consistent across all platforms (consistency is key!)


Here's a curveball: great branding isn't just about bombastic visuals! Enter typography. These are the fonts, typefaces, and styles you use to express your brand's voice, message, and personality.
Choosing the right typography goes far beyond looks. 

Think about the psychological impact, legibility, accessibility, and scalability of your font choices. As with colours, be consistent with your typography across all platforms - you want your brand to be instantly recognizable at a glance, not visually confusing!

Imagery and Iconography

As the famous saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words." Don't mistake this for an Instagram bio, but the imagery and iconography of your brand are essential to convey your story, values, and vision.

Invest in high-quality visuals that are consistent in style and create a cohesive look, whether it's for digital or print content. Icons can be particularly powerful, as they can quickly send a message or convey an idea without relying on language.

Ready, set, design!

So there you have it - the secret sauce to creating a powerful brand that will take your business where it wants to be. 

We would love to bet the ones to put it together with you!


our clients 


Keen to get started on your next project?

Not sure where to start or what help you need with your website or branding? Or are you all over it like white on rice and can't wait to tell us about it? 

Let's have a chat! Book a free 15min consult with us:
