
Why should I update my website?

November 4, 2021

You either had your website built or DIY your site when you first started your business when you realised the internet wasn’t just a fad. You were proud of it then and you might still be. How much attention have you given it lately? Why should you update your website?

Are you stuck in the 80’s with an unresponsive horror show or have you not added to your site since it was built? Have you kept up with the trends or are you standing your ground waiting for GIF’s to be cool again?

The cold hard truth is you need to update your site. Technology and user experience evolves on the daily so why shouldn’t your website? It’s a lot easier than you think.


Back to the future

If you have an old site built in the 80’s, 90’s or even a few years ago, chances are you’ll need to change platforms. This is basically a complete rebuild. Yes, it will be costly but believe me, it’s worth it. Here’s why:


Probably the most important your page will be responsive which means it will function on mobile, tablets and desktops. 90% of people looking for you online will be doing it with a device and not a desktop.


Design wise your site will be modern making your business seem up with the times (even if the accounts lady still prints everything)


Your SEO should also be updated along with your images which will help with your rank on Google

Speed baby!

Speed baby! Apparently, our attention spans are dropping..who knew?

Time to refresh

So you’ve updated your logo and other branded items but your website is dated. You have no freakin idea how to freshen it up so you just stuck the new logo on the header and got the fuck outta there. Trends come and go. Remember when sliders were amazing? Now they are seen as a no-no for site speed and SEO (yeah I know!). Hero images are in. Great imagery has always been in. Current website trends are leaning towards dark coloured sites but legibility will always be king.

Is your privacy policy up to date?

A while ago you would have felt spammed by every online thing you’ve ever signed up for. All saying they are now GDPR compliant. What the fuck is GDPR? Well, it stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It aims to improve data and privacy protection for EU residents. While also simplifying regulations for global enterprises. Any company that does business in the EU or handles the personal data of EU citizens must comply. Even if the company does not have a physical office location in the EU. Seriously EVERYONE freaked out and many companies just went with it anyway. If you don’t do business with anyone in the EU then you don’t need to stress. However, you will need to make sure your website its legal obligations sorted. Online businesses should have these 3 legal notices to protect themselves and the Website Legal Package includes all of them:

Privacy Policy – To explain how you use, store and update customer and visitor personal information.
Website Disclaimer – To limit your liability from the information you publish and to protect your Copyright.
Terms & Conditions – To state the terms under which you do business, including delivery, return and refund policies. The latest Australian Consumer Law now requires this.

I use 123 legal and have an affiliation with them. Its a quick way to ensure your details are up to date. Feel free to use my link and show me some love.

Need help?

You know you need to update your website but you don’t know where to start. I’m here to help!

I have options for monthly web maintenance and management. With the option to have content changed or added to your site. Great if you need to change information on your website or had a change in services and pricing. Catering to e-commerce sites as well. It can be a total pain in the butt if you need to add, remove or alter products on your website.

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Tracey OBrien mullet
Written by

Tracey O'Brien

Our head honcho and the OG Misfit at Misfit Branding. She has over 20 years in this industry so she really knows her shit.

You can stalk her on Insta


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